
4,380 days of audacious co-conspiring

12 years of loving, of working, of trying, of giving, of growing, of dying/

Of getting- surprises, some wished-for, some dreaded, some marvelously unexpected/

12 years of hoping and scheming and beating the drum, of hurting, burning, vision for some THING, other, more/

Learning, laughing, blood, sweat, tears, disappointments, yes many, but also more important/

12 years of this human condition made sharper, clearer, brighter by friendship/

Companion, witness, presence who sees/

Partner, ally for my soul, defender of my rights to grow, to change, to discover and rearrange the thing that it is to be me in this world/

To navigate, to mitigate, the sharp highs and plummeting lows that come, as they will/

What better way than together? With another soul next to mine/

Who trusts me in our differences and respects me in our disagreements, validates my life/

Honors me in my experience- alike or different than his/

12 years I wouldn’t trade, not for another chance at some other life I could’ve lived alone or with some other/

12 years of growing up into the space we’ve both built and discovered, taming the dragons and planting the garden, growing some extraordinary things/

4,380 days of audacious co-conspiring- hey let’s do this forever.

Cheers to 12, my love ❤️‍🔥


Solo-Travel Thoughts


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